We have two Junior Classes here in NZ.
Individual clubs may offer different classes for example, Junior advanced or beginer etc.
We are also very lucky here in NZ that our NZFSS rules allow for very quick development of our Juniors by letting them race in open classes providing they meet Class/RGO/RM and experience critiera. This provides a true open class in mushers as Male vs Female, Adult vs Youth are all included.
Information on Junior Eligibility for Sanctioned Races is found in the Junior Rules.
If you are a junior musher in NZ and would like to see your picture here send your picture with a little information about yourself to Steve Potter; the NZFSS Junior Chairperson at scnbpotter@xtra.co.nz.
NZFSS have started a Junior delelopment program for Kids 11-16, which is aimed at helping our youth to develop and improve a range of skills and attitudes across the whole aspect of sled dog sport. This includes Mentoring, One on One Lessons, and internal Competition for Outstanding NZ Junior Musher of the Year.We are also hoping to run a continuation of our Pre Season training Camps.
If you are a Junior 11-16 and would like to be in this program for 2020 please let us know by contacting Steve at scnbpotter@xtra.co.nz, or contact your NZFSS Club Rep.
There is also a FB page at NZFSS Junior Mushers
The criteria and expectations are in the Documents Section below.
AUSTRALIAN JUNIORS that have competed in New Zealand recently:
2015 - Jess Winther (Victoria, AUS) 2015 - Josh Winther (Victoria, AUS)
2016 - Don Chew (Western Australia, AUS) 2017 - Aimee Stoeckel (South Australia, AUS)
2018 - Ebony Powell (Queensland, AUS) Cardrona Valley Stage Race - 30km
2018 - Ebony Powell (Queensland, AUS) Wanaka Sleddog Festival.
2018 - Matthew Grilk (South Australia, AUS) Wanaka Sleddog Festival.
NEW ZEALAND JUNIORS who have competed in AUSTRALIA recently:
2015 - Blake Potter (Westport, NZ) 2016 - Luke Dempsey (Christchurch, NZ)
2019 - Sam Hughes (Dunedin, NZ)
NZFSS Junior Develpoment Program Criteria